Creating An APA Thesis: Editing Rules For Rookies

The APA format, or American Psychological Association, has certain rules. These rules are updated yearly or biannually. The rules dictate how science and social science papers should be written. A thesis is important because it is the road map for your paper. It tells your readers what you are trying to prove and where you are going. Editing the paper will require a checklist of sorts.

You will need to check the:

  • Cover page-it will have the title, no more than 12 words, typed and placed center between the left and the right margin on the upper portion half of the page. It will also have what is called a running head. This running head is a title that has been abbreviated to 50 characters or less. It needs to be placed flush in the left opt corner for all pages. On the title page, the actual words-running head will lead it.
  • Copyright-this is a formality because once you write it and it is read it is copyrighted, however, it will be expected that you have a branding page. Templates can be found online.
  • Abstract-his is a brief piece which tells what the paper is about. It is usually 150 to 250 words and not any longer. It actually is placed before the introduction and subsequent thesis. It must be included.
  • Terms-you will have a term or keyword section in order to make sure your readers know the correct definitions of words important to the industry.
  • APA headings-these are funny little creatures and each one is different. For example, Heading One is centered, bold, and has both upper and lowercase letters, whereas Heading Two is placed tight left, bold, and also has upper and lowercase letters. However, the Heading Three is indented, bold, and has only lower case followed by the period. Each subsequent heading is unique (bookmark an APA guide for easy reference in this complicated process.
  • The actual paper will go into sections under the different headings.
  • Reference page-there is a centered reference list that is arranged alphabetically. It goes at the end of the paper.
  • Tables, Charts, and Images-you can include these and they would go right before the reference page or as needed within the text.

These rules will help you when it is time to edit the paper. You can use them as an editing checklist to check for correct placement and presentation.

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