20 Winning Undergraduate Dissertation Titles In Management

One of the biggest challenges faced by ambitious undergraduate management students is to prepare informative, analytical and well written dissertation. Dissertation is an important part of the course curriculum and carries a lot importance. In fact, a dissertation tells a lot about the analytical and research capabilities of the student. In management studies, there can be a number of interesting topics to work on. But is should be chosen carefully.

The topic you choose for the dissertation should have multiple scopes so that you can delve deeper into it. Therefore it should be chosen carefully. Also it should provide you with a lot of opportunities to do considerable amount of research on it. Management studies are in important branch of studies and encompass a number of sub disciplines. Also you should choose a topic which intrigues you. This will allow you to work harder on it and would surely bring you good grades.

20 dissertation topics for undergraduate management students

Even though there are numerous interesting topics that you can choose to work on, following is a list of 20 winning dissertation topics that concern the present day challenges in the field of management.

  1. The relationship between Corporate Social responsibility and corporate financial performance
  2. Reputation building as one of the major reasons of Corporate Social Responsibility
  3. Role of Government in preventing the monopoly of large companies
  4. How strengthening policies and principles enhances competitiveness of the companies
  5. How to distinguish management from leadership?
  6. The retention of employee: Role of entrepreneur in mid level management
  7. Bestowing titles in the form of rewards during fiscal restraint
  8. The involvement of stake holders in the management of charitable organizations having less then 100 employees
  9. Organizational changes required to increase profits in financial organizations
  10. The extent of rationality in stock market behavior
  11. Strategy Of Management
  12. The current global business strategy
  13. What makes an organization successful
  14. Has e commerce led to the decline of retail sales?
  15. Strategic planning of Information System in Investment Banks
  16. Assessment and improvement of Organizational decision making
  17. Analysis of strategies adopted for investment
  18. Environmentally friendly business strategies in improving profitability
  19. Fair Trade: Business Technique or Marketing Ploy
  20. Impact of political issues on the economy of the developing countries

The above mentioned 20 topics offer a great scope for research and analysis for undergraduate level dissertation.

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