3 Things Every Student Should Know About The Dissertation Proposal Structure

One of the first things that you will have to accomplish when it comes to writing your dissertation is getting the topic approved by the board. You will do this by writing a dissertation proposal where you will present the idea for your paper and work to prove that you can will find enough information on the subject to create a good study on the topic.

There are very specific guidelines to how the finished product should look. When you are structuring your proposal, you should remember these three things. They will help you make sure that you use the right structure so that your paper is a success.

  1. A basic dissertation proposal structure includes an introduction, a discussion or literature review section, an approach section, an outline of the chapters that you will include, and a preliminary bibliography.
  2. You will need to follow the proposed structure set forth through the university. They may choose to follow any number of formatting styles include but not limited to the APA or MLA formats.
  3. It should be structured much like the dissertation itself with various sections separate from each other.

The main purpose of this paper is to prove to the board that you can find and present enough information to conduct a study on your topic. Your dissertation is designed to add to the overall knowledge that there is in the field so you will have to write it on a unique topic. You will be working to show the board that you can use the works of past writers that resulted from their research and conduct a new research to get answers to a specific question. You have to make sure that your topic is specific enough to conduct a good study but broad enough to find enough supporting evidence on the subject.

You should find a sample dissertation proposal to use as a guide. You can structure your page in the same format and make sure that you include all of the same information in your paper. That way you will be able to successfully complete this assignment. Do not treat this assignment like a paper. It should be written more like an outline than like a paper. You can learn a lot from seeing how other students successfully completed this assignment.

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